Friday, 3 September 2010

Congratulations, it's a girl...

Finally, after 11 weeks of silence, I heard from the medical school. It was an e-mail, and not a MedSoc bulletin one where the only important news seems to be the swim sessions for the people living in Birmingham. It was from the office, reminding us to remember to pick up our kids.


Every time I've said that to someone, especially non-medics, they've looked at me like I've had a boil the size of Canada on my nose. It makes me laugh. Don't worry, I'm not pregnant. Nor have I ever been pregnant. The kids I'm referring to are my first years - Birmingham runs a Mums and Dads mentoring scheme.

Every medic is in a Personal Mentor (PM) group with one or two others from their year - your siblings. The second years are your parents, third year are your grandparents etc etc. It's your medic family. When you get to second year you become parents yourselves, in what has to be one of the most incestuous relationships of all time - my sister is now also my wife. We're a lesbian couple; we have lesbian parents as well. I suppose that says something about the male:female ratio at medical school.

It's funny because you'll be talking to someone and they'll mention their Mum and you have to clarify which Mum they mean - medic or real.

Anyway I have to be at the medical school between 8 and 8.30 on the morning of Tuesday 28th September. Monday will be the first Gatecrasher night of the new academic year - it'll be interesting to see who turns up still drunk :D

Reading: the Harry Potter books. Again. The film comes out in November :)


  1. ARGH! WHY read the Harry-whatever books!
    On another note: hello!

  2. What's wrong with the Harry Potter books?????????????????? And there's no point in telling me to stop now, I've already read them all at least twice :D
    Hello back :D


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